22 December 2013

A catch up!

Hey guys
Sorry it's been a long time since I last posted.
Here are some of the manis I've worn since then!
If you want any details as to what I used please just ask.
I hope you guys are well and are looking forward to Christmas and new year
Love Lou x x

31 August 2013


Hi Guys

So as I mentioned in my last post, I've had a lot going on in the gap since the last but one post.

Firstly, I got engaged on 24th May - Yay!! We're not planning anything yet but are enjoying this new stage in our relationship!  

I started a new job just over a month ago and I'm enjoying it, especially as it's only a 15 minute walk from home so no more travelling on public transport except for fun!

We've had quite a few days out where we've taken plenty of pictures.  Here are a small selection:

I've also become an aunty to a human baby after my best friend gave birth to a little girl on 21st August. Little Elizabeth Louise (Beth for short) is gorgeous and I can't wait to meet her on 14th September! (I've already got frog nieces and nephews and a hamster niece!)

On a sadder note, my uncle has deteriorated a lot in the last couple of months!  He's lost the use of his legs and his dignity which is hard to see in someone who has always been a very private person.  On the upside, he hasn't lost his sense of humour, thankfully!

Anyhoo, that's what's been going on in my little world recently.  I hope you guys are well!

Love Lou x

Catch up!

Hey guys. 

Sorry I've not done a blog post recently. I've had a lot going on personally and this had been pushed into the background. 

I have still been doing my nails as you may have noticed from the pictures on the slideshow in the top corner of this blog or if you are following me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. 

Here are some pictures. Feel free to ask for more details about any of them. 

Hope you guys are well. 

Love Lou x